Saturday, December 28, 2013

He Is Here. Not like I planned but Rigo my 4th Ro is here!

Birth Story. He is here and  I felt like it is important to share.

On December 27 I had my 38 week appointment. We were waiting for my husband to get out of the bathroom so I could do my nst. I felt a small gush and wet myself but I assumed it had been urine as little man was settled directly on my bladder. We had the nst and bpp and he passed beautifully. Dr and I discussed my options. He felt optimistic I could go to the end if I wanted but I was so done with pregnancy at this point since it had been my longest pregnancy ever. He scheduled my induction for Jan 1st. I was thrilled for my New Years baby. I had an end date. I never imagined what would happen next.

Hubby and I came home and attempted to take a nap. When I went to lay down I had trickling down the leg. I was a bit concerned at this point. But thought I would lay down again. After all it was 2:30 at this point and I thought maybe the dr had upset ds and he was more active then ever. When I laid down I felt yet another small gush and at this point I turned to my hubby and said "I think my water broke." I began to cry. He dressed himself and we instructed the kids we were going to the hospital. We told them Mommy needed to get checked out. My odd almost 13 was going to keep an eye on her brother until I came home or daddy came for them.

We went to Labor and Delivery and rang in on the phone. I told them calmly "Yeah, I think my water broke." They quickly got me in and checked me into the observation room. When they heard my name they laughed and said "Didn't we just schedule your inductions?" I replied "yes mam but I am pretty sure my water broke." We went into the room and they hooked me up to monitors. No contractions were happening at the time. Rigo was happy as a lark in there which had me doubting my sanity.

They tested my water and the tech was like "Let me send this to the lab and see if it is your waters leaking. We will have  a result in a few minutes. But first let me check your dilation." As she confirmed I was 2 and 75% effaced I gushed again. She then looked at me and said "No doubt honey, your water is broken." She still sent the test to the lab but they admitted me to get pitocin and start my induction. I laughed as I was wheeled by the nurses station and told them " I guess we can cancel my induction for the first."

Hubby sat with me while the pitocin was administered. He sat with me for a couple of hours but when I hit 4 I told him to go home. I did not want the kids home too long alone. I was determined to go without meds but once I hit 5 I needed something. The monitor was not picking up my contractions so we decided to get internal ones and that made me feel 10 x better. By this time I it was 8:30 and hubby was on the way with the kids.

Around 9:30 my children where watching me horrified and I could not talk through the pain. My poor son and daughter were looking helpless and I was now 7. I felt like I could not go any farther on my own and begged for an epidural. While I got the epidural I just kept apologizing. My hubby grabbed my hand and told me "I am proud of you. I can't bare to see you in pain. You must relax now or you will kill yourself. Your body is not responding well to the pain. You are amazing." The epidural was amazing. I could feel the pressure of contractions but no pain. I don't doubt that.

Around 12:30 I felt the urge to have a bowel movement. I paged my nurse and she told me not yet. I was about 9.5 and still had a lip on the left side of my cervix. I wanted to cry. I paged her every 15 minutes and finally at 1:50 she had me do a practice push to see how I could push with the epidural. I remember her talking to my doctor on the phone and saying "Yes we have a great pusher here. She will push him quickly.

After the doctor came in and got me situated it was about 1:55 am. I laughed as both my kids picked birth times that ended in 2. I told myself I had 7 minutes to push him out. I was exhausted as I pushed but the doctor massaged me and made sure I would not tear. 7 minutes at 2:02 am I pushed my sweet boy into this world. His squeaks were the most precious sound I heard. He had beautiful brown curly hair and just clung to my chest. My dr let the cord finish pulsing and my hubby cut the cord for the first time ever. I told my son I loved him as they took him over to the bassinet. They weighed him and he was 6 lbs 12 oz. 20.5 inches long.So much for my 8 lb baby. Ultrasounds can be off. Very off. They whisked him up to the nursery for oxygen and tests as he was having a bit trouble breathing. At 8:30 am my son and I were reunited. My daughter got the ultimate birthday gift a day early but he was worth it. How I love them both. December is going to be busy from this point forward.

I know I said I could do natural. I said I would refuse and epidural but I do not regret it now. I know had I not gotten it I would not have progressed and I wonder if I had gotten it sooner if I would have progressed quicker. I know it wasn't my planned dream birth but it was the perfect birth because it got my Rodrigo here safe and sound.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Week 20 the big Week...Who the heck am I?

Today was our anatomy scan. Rogelio and I both felt bad that the kids had to be in school during our big moment. We decided a few months ago to do a cake reveal for the children so we could all find out together. Our appointment was at 8:30 am. We explained to the tech what we wanted. She happily cooperated. We saw your heart, your arms, your brain, your cute little belly. You are perfect in every way. We just won't know who you are until after dinner tonight. Here is your cute little profile. Mommy loves your tiny bump for a nose.

After the ultrasound we took our envelope over to our wonderful cake maker Sweet Sensations, Cake Creations.She hugged me and off we went with our day. Mommy was obsessed with finding out who you are. I was consumed. I could not concentrate. My best friend your Aunt in Love Jennifer came and took me to her house and we stayed occupied wondering who you are.

Finally at 4:00 the opportunity came. Mommy rang the cake maker's door once again and hello! There is my beautiful cake.

Daddy and Mommy decided since today was such a special day we would go to a very special place for dinner. We decided on Tucanos. We love it there. The food is so fresh but mommy must admit that dinner just was not that interesting. I just wanted to know Blueberry or Strawberry! I ate a couple of plates and then begged to open the cake. I took it out and the wait staff stood around. We cut it open and here is what happened!

Mommy was so surprised! It had blueberry! Blueberry! You are a bouncing baby boy! Welcome to our family Rodrigo Alberto! Mommy's sweet little Rigo! I love you so much already. You see though. Mommy was in disbelief. All the predictors and symptoms showed you are a girl not a boy. I ran to the car and I had to see the ultrasound for myself. Here is what smilled back at me.

You are all boy and proud of it. You did not hesitate to show us! So yes! Mommy is now going to have 3 special boys in my life. Each with a Ro in his name. Your sister and I are outnumbered and I cannot wait to see where life takes us all. Welcome Rodrigo Alberto! You are in for the ride of the life and I cannot wait until January when we finally get to hold you! Life is an adventure and while I am scared. We are going to get through this together. My perfect baby Boy. Mommy is overcome with joy!

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

17 weeks and still going

Today was our 17 week appointment. Apparantly mommy hasn't been very serious with staying healthy with cravings. mommy has gained 10 lbs. Opps. Mommy is going to eat healthier again and work out just a bit harder. i want you to be healthy.

I heard your heartbeat again today. You were laying on my right side. That seems to be your favorite side to lay. I wonder who you are. What do you look like? Do you have green eyes, brown eyes or even blue? Do you have blonde hair, red hair, brown hair or black? Are you a boy or girl? So many things I wonder and yet I love you so much already.

We have your name picked out sweet baby. On August 21st, we will finally be able to assign it. We will find out exactly who you are.

Mommy is so excited. You are worth every single struggle I have gone through. Your mom is so in love with you already.

Anxiously awaiting Jan 2014 so I can hold you in my arms.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Third Time is A Charm????

Having two previous pregnancies I truly thought number 3 was going to be a piece of cake. Instead I am finding myself constantly questioning my feelings and fears. Yesterday I went to the office to get a work order. On the way home from the office a child who does not know how to ride his bike ram into my back. I was in the middle of a discussion with a neighbor and I felt a wetness trickle down my leg.

My baby right now is only 15 weeks. Broken water at this point is no joke. I ignored the child laying on the ground and ran to the house. I called my ob and instantly started sobbing. She told me to get a pad and lie down. She also scheduled me an ultrasound to check on my little bean.

Thankfully no more fluid last night or today. I went to the OB terrified this morning. I swore my baby was more quiet then normal.  I was convinced my baby was an angel.

The tech got me back at 8:35. She told me let's start by looking at that uterus. I did not know what was going on. She then pointed the doppler down and there it was. My sweet baby looking up at me. It got irritated at being poked and threw it's arms above it's face. We saw it's sweet little legs, and hands and watched it slumber. Currently it has a heartbeat of 160 on the dot. I love this critter so much. I cannot wait until January when I meet him/her.

This pregnancy is not easy but I am almost halfway there. I am proud of my sweet peanut and I cannot wait until it is here with us. Third time will be a charm. It will be the time our family is truly complete.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Being Plus Size and Pregnant

Being pregnant is supposed to be beautiful. It is supposed to be the time mommy happily shows off her stomach and can eat whatever the heck she feels with no guilt.

Being a plus size mommy you really don't get these joys. Instead of gaining 25-30 lbs during pregnancy they really limit you to maintaining or 10 lbs. Basically you still have to lose while the baby grows.

Then you have your already 7 month looking stomach. You will hardly ever see a belly pic of me for this reason. I am well aware growing inside of this fat is my child. I won't humor myself and call it my baby. My baby is the size of an apple. But oh well.

I am taking every week, every day and relishing this. Rogelio and I are both 1000% sure Baby Ro is it for us. We are both getting up there in age and we just know this is it. 6 weeks until I find out gender. All my birth board seems to be paying for elective but I am the realist. I know baby may hide the goods and anything before 18 weeks is still iffy. We are going to keep our elective in case baby hides week 20.

I love being pregnant. I just wish I got to enjoy it as much as most do. But it's okay. I am still setting baby up for a very healthy lifestyle. I am blessed, I am healthy and most of all I am growing a human being.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

This was a scary day

This morning your brother Rogelito woke up at 2:30 pretty sick. That is when I noticed pains all along my stomach. You are too small to cause me that pain from movement. I went back to sleep but the pain persisted all day long.

Mommy finally wised up and called the nurse. She seemed a bit concerned as you have been a test from the beginning. Daddy and I were terrified. My appointment was at 3:15. Mom and Dad barely spoke. We were both in our own worlds.

The doctor did some tests and then finally he stuck the doppler on my stomach. It took about 1 minute but there you were! Strong as ever. Mommy heard your heart beat for the first time. The stomach pain is from a virus or something. But thankfully it's not from you.

Our next real appointment will be July 31st. I am impatient but you will be now in my life at that point for 17 weeks!  I am praying daily for you as long as my prayer warriors. You are everything I wanted and never knew existed. Mommy loves you little one. Keep fighting and keep growing!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Week 13 and you are already testing your boundaries

Today your mommy and daddy went to our appointment. We were so very excited when we thought we would hear your heart beat! Everything was going great. Mommy has lost 2 lbs. Mommy feels amazing. I sat on the table and waited for the big moment. Daddy had the tape recorder ready and imagine our surprise when the Dr. stated, I cannot find the heart beat...there is yours but no baby. I almost broke down in tears. Then she told me, let's get you into an ultrasound to make sure everything is okay. I held my breath and walked into the room.

The tech put some funny sticky gel on my stomach. I was surprised. She told me the usual, we will look at the uterus and other stuff first. Mommy watched the uterus and saw a sneak peek of a tiny heart beat.

Finally the tech moved the doppler and I saw a hiccup. It was your first movement and I began to smile. Then imagine my surprise when you lifted your hand and waved hello! So stinking cute. You rolled around. I guess the coffee and orange juice I had was counter productive for this appointment. Mommy will stick with water the next appointment.

So my sweet little stinker, you are testing mommy. You are scaring me but mommy is so glad you are part of my life. I cannot imagine mommy with 2 kids anymore. You will be the one to complete our family. Mommy loves you!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Baby Frijol Update AKA Baby Ro 4

Finally a normal appointment. This first 10 weeks has been insane. You measure 9 weeks 1 day so we have pushed your due date back to January 8th, 2014 but realistically you will be coming sometime December 2013. I was scared as mommy had some cramping this week and the doctor was concerned. She sent me in for an ultrasound. Happily when I got in there you were happy as could be. Your heart beat I could see was 185 and you were wiggling around. Happy baby in there. You are now 2.5 cm long. Not very big but you are a huge part of my life. Mommy cannot wait to meet you. Mommy cannot wait to find out who you are my sweet Rosalyn or Rodrigo. You are one of the best things that have happened to me and I will protect you with every breath I take. Mommy is so proud you are there and beating all the odds.

Monday, June 3, 2013

What a Way to End the Vaca

Argh me matey's! Welcome to Pirates Cove! Put on ye sunscreen and bring a sack lunch and play all day with us! We love Elitches don't get me wrong but since we were on a low budget vacation we found that going to Lakeside and this place would be the cost of all our tickets for one trip to Elitches. The kids played with the bucket and then went down the slide. Rowen jumped off the diving board and into 12 foot water. Me and  Ro well the second view was how we spent most our day. We laid under an umbrella drinking gatorade. When we weren't under the umbrella, we were floating down the lazy river with our kiddos. What a wonderful vacation. We will have to plan them more often. I am so very blessed with my life and I cannot wait to see what life is like with 3 of these beautiful blessings running around are like.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Our Minivacation Day 1 and 2

We could not afford to go anywhere elaborate this year. So I decided for the beginning of the Summer we would do a quick 3 day trip to Denver. We got a hotel Room and btw Extended Stay beds suck! Suck seriously suck! Day 1 was kinda drive around see our old stomping grounds. It was buy groceries for the hotel and enjoy our family time. It was wonderful.

On Sunday we hit up the Denver Flea Market. I had so much fun looking at the food stands and then finding a Rock N Play sleeper for Baby Frijol. Last minute Ro and I decided to go to an amusement park called Lakeside.

I did not ride anything there. Okay I did ride the carousal horse. I could not say no to that. But the kids had a blast. They did Bumper boats, they did bumper cars, but my favorite part that made me tear up was them doing their first Roller coaster. I think later in the summer I will take them to Elitches. I did not get many pictures as I did not plan well and forgot water and food. So here are the few I did  take.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

First Weekend of Summer

Finally after 9 months of School we can say School is out for the Summer. Yes we go back Mid August but we get to enjoy our family time now. We have decided that every weekend we are planning something special as family time. This weekend was a sweet little picnic up in the Rocky Mountains called Lake Manitou. We packed up our sandwiches, sodas, and chips, and drove up to spend our day up there. We got there around 11 and stayed until 2. Hiking around the lake and just enjoyed the natural beauty of our wonderful state. I complain about no family. I complain about never seeing Ro but knowing we live here is worth it. I completely love my state.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

It's A.....

Baby! We were burdened by the fear of an ectopic. Then Worried about viability. Yesterday was our 7 week sonagram to check growth at 11. The doctor  took me back into the room at 10:50. Ro was not there. He was supposed to be there at 10:45. The doctor sent me to the bathroom and then I changed for the ultrasound. Ro was not answering his phone at all. I had a feeling from the beginning that he would miss the appointment.At 10:57 we started the sono. The doctor had the monitor turned away from me. She told me she was checking the ovaries, tubes and all that fun stuff.

Next thing I know she turns the tube towards me and I see a beautiful sight. I see flickering. That is my childs tiny heartbeat. It is already beating at 153 bpm. My husband missed it. He missed the whole thing. We chatted for a bit and I would start my regular ultrasounds at 9 weeks. Our new baby will be arriving around 1-8-2014. I am so love with this child already.

I am getting teary typing this up. I will update tomorrow about my big girl. Life with My Ro's is getting interesting. I cannot wait to see where this Ride takes me.

Baby Ro to Be

Monday, May 20, 2013

My "Baby" finished 1st Grade

Kindergarten was a rough year for us. Rowen was very immature and honestly we did not know how he would perform in first grade. I pushed refused retainment and thankfully his teacher was absolutely wonderful. She saw through his immaturity and he turned into the student I knew he could be. Today was his last day as a first grader. I grabbed my camera to get his pictures and I held it together. I was fine until I got home and found a letter from his teacher. I broke down into tears. My baby is growing up so fast.

Rowen, I am so proud of who you are becoming. Keep following your dreams darling. With great teachers and me as your mommy you will go far. You are going to be a big brother soon and trust me, you will rock at it. You will always be my baby. Mommy loves you! 

Rowen with Mrs. R

Our wonderful crossing guard

This lady loves her job and I love her.

My Big Second Grader!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Making Room for My Fourth Ro

I know I am not even out of my first trimester but right now is yard sale time! I have my cradle from when I was born made in 1979. I have a few outfits but honestly we are starting from scratch. I saw a yardsale sign today and something told me to go walking over there. I walked over eagerly and saw a sweet little baby section. I looked at the prices and gasped. It was all for $10!

I got a pack n play. It will be great for when baby is older and needs a nap. I got an exersaucer. I got a bath tub. I got 2 sleepers and a kick and play piano. We are slowly but surely getting ready for babe.

Rowen is going to be in second grade next year! My goodness how time flies.

Roana, is going to be going to college this summer. Crazy but she is ahead and needs to stay ahead.

I am a very blessed woman. Ro is working overtime but he is doing it so our family can grow and be comfortable. I may not have this year going the way I planned but I am happy to say I am happy the way God is taking me.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

33 and Pregnant

I will cherish every moment I have with my sweet baby. I am enjoying every moment of pregnancy but I swear I do not remember pregnancy being this hard with my first two! I feel crampy, irritable. I go from hungry to nauseous and happy to sad. Oh the joys of hormones. Every cramp scares the bejezzus out of me. I fear for my sweet pea. I love so deeply this sweet human being. I cannot wait until Weds to see it again. I never dreamed of having 3 babies but now that it is here I want this child more then anything. Please pray for my sweet child.  I dream of holding him or her in January!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Well us Ro's got quite the surprise

Deep down I have always wanted 3 children. I tried to convince myself that the time is not right. I told myself this world is too insane. Heck I even have an IUD so I will not conceive until I take it out. Well I am here to say when someone else has a plan you cannot change the plan.

On April 29th I took a pregnancy test. I was going to just take this test to get my period to start. It works every other month. Imagine my shock when I saw this....yes it took 12 to convince me!

God has other plans for me. The doctor got me in right away and told me my IUD had failed. She saw a nice thick lining but no baby yet.

Finally the following week I went in and saw this....

It is official we are going to have another Ro come January! I never imagined I would have 3 children but now that I saw that ultrasound I cannot imagine my life without him or her. Follow this page closly. Things are going to get very interesting here come January when I have a 7th grader, a 2nd grader and a newborn. I look forward to posting again and watching my babies grow as a family of 5. Welcome to my new Reality. Life with My 4 Ro's!