Saturday, January 3, 2009

We got out of the house today!

Finally some warmth to get outside and burn off extra energy. Fun in the sun and good times for all. I am feeling somewhat more positive today. We looked at some gyms. Daddy is going to get more fit for his health. I want to go too but with 2 kids its impossible. I will continue to train at home. Its probably better anyway so the kids can see mom is trying too.

We tried to go into the mountains and take a video but Lil Ro got car sick. Or so I thought. I hope he is better. Keep us in your prayers.

1 Comments / Comentarios:

Heather said...

Glad you got out side today. Look into gyms with day cares, the kids have so much fun playing, painting and the parents get to work out. With that though, im not joining a gym and still working out. At the park i did leg lifts and up and down the curb while the kids played. Nothing is impossible girl, i know you can do it.